Yesterday was the "Big Game" and I am proud to say Colton and his team came away with a win. Dr. Trese came out to talk to Seth and me immediately after surgery and told us that things went BETTER than expected. The doctor was able to remove a lot of scar tissue that was left over from Colton's surgeries in the NICU and he was able to spread back out Colton's folded retina. We definitely have improved vision!!! We won't know exactly how much improved for several months, it takes that long for the retina to get as repaired as it is going to get. However, today he has already been squinting more than usual in bright lights, we all notice just a tiny difference in how he is acting visually. This is very reassuring to us.
This morning we headed over to Beaumont for a follow-up appointment. Dr. Trese was still very optimistic as he examined Colton. Our boy does have to wear an eye patch for 2 weeks at night and arm restraints when he is not being held to keep him from harming his eye. He is on eye drops 4 times a day and restricted activity. His eye is black but he is eating and drinking normally, his mood is as well as can be expected after the events of this week. He does look pretty pitiful.
During the appointment today I had to give blood plasma that they will inject into Colton's right eye during Friday's operation. I have a packet to read that explains why they need to do this, I'm slacking and have not yet read it but when I do I will compose a post explaining exactly how that is used. I AM NOT GOOD WITH BLOOD so I was shaking and very nervous when they did this. Colton went to sleep so Seth stayed with me and helped me with my fears. It went okay. I was very tired and dizzy until we made it back to the hotel, after a 3 hour nap I felt much better. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, my mind was just playing tricks on me.
As you know, this victory against ROP is not complete just yet. On Friday they will operate on his right eye. We are hoping we come away with a win once again. No matter what, we know that Colton and his team have exceeded all of our expectations.
1 week ago
Aww...I really hope Friday brings another victory for Colton!