January 18, 2008
Colton's Nurse last night described to me what Colton actually has going on right now with the NEC situation. NEC is a disease that can rupture the intestines and cause nasty stuff to leak into the stomach area which can be life threatening. Yesterday they found a "spot" on Colton's intestine BUT it has not ruptured yet. This is good news! But he will not be able to eat for approximately two weeks. They think that they caught this very early and things may just fix themselves with him not eating and putting that pressure on the intestines. Colton's vent settings are still low so his lungs and heart rate haven't been dropping despite his newest complication.
January 19, 2008
Nurse Heather called at 11:30 a.m. and informed us that Colton had taken himself off the ventilator. He had pulled out his tube and wasn't dropping his vital signs so they decided to leave him off of it. He is now wearing a CPAP mask, which is continuous forced oxygen. We spoke with her about an hour ago and he was still doing fine. I am heading up there with my mom and dad in just a few minutes while Seth goes to work at KSU. Also, the radiologist looked at his x-ray regarding the NEC and determined that Colton was just fine... simply having a mild feeding intolerance. They will keep him off feed for about 5 days just to be on the safe side. I am leaving now to go visit him (with no tubes in his mouth YAY!). He certainly is our little miracle and we thank God everyday for blessing us with such an amazing little boy. "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." Matthew 21:22.
January 23, 2008
Today is my 22nd Birthday and I am lucky enough to have received the best gift a little early... on November 25th. Colton doing as well as he is right now is more than I could ever ask for. He will be two months old on Friday and I can't imagine anything on this earth that could make me happier than that! Nurse Heather and Colton made a birthday card for Mommy, he signed it with his tiny little footprints. I have truly been blessed to have the opportunity to be the mother of such a miraculous baby boy. We just left the hospital and Colton is recovering well after surgery this morning. He had a broviach (semi-permanent IV) put in. They had to make a small incision on his neck and also underneath his arm. The IV goes through his skin and is planted deeply, directly into an artery. This was something that came up very quickly, the doctors felt having to poke Colton so much was causing him too much discomfort and bruising. This will be easier for both him and anyone needing to use it. Because of the surgery they had to put him back on the ventilator but up until that point he was doing wonderfully breathing on his own. They have already lowered his settings and will continue to do so until he can be completely off the ventilator again, hopefully within the next day or so. Colton gained 100 grams last night (after loosing almost 100 since before the second NEC scare) and weighs 2lbs. 3oz. We are hoping he reaches the 1000 gram mark soon because this is a big milestone for preemies. Keep him in your prayers because I know they are working and God is performing a miracle right in front of all of our eyes.
Next: Cries of Joy
1 week ago
Dearest Crystal, So many prayers have been answered for our Colton. Thank you for creating this blog to share Colton's story. Her you have shared a testimony of God's rich blessings upon Colton and all of us who lived this journey or prayer, your love for Colton, Seth's love for Colton, our family love for Colton, your writings about his life, and my pictures chronicaling his life. You have created a beautiful testimony honoring Colton, his life and his legacy. May this blog bless others who have this path to travel and may they gain encouragement and support from the steps we have trod. With much love and thanks, Sue Darnell Ellis, Seth's mom, Colton's grandmom Gigi